Artist Interview: NUNKO Codements Story - Codements

Artist Interview: NUNKO

NUNKO, a floral & design service helps us restore forgotten senses through flowers 


Codements met with the artist, NUNKO, who uses colors to create never-seen-before flowers that stimulate our dulled senses.

According to the profile, you are a graphic designer, floral designer, art director, prop stylist and many more. How do you define NUNKO?

NUNKO is a design service that provides art direction mainly using flower as a medium. 

What does the name NUNKO signify?

 Nun means eyes and Ko means nose in Korean. Nunko focuses on how we experience through our senses. Since we use flower as our main medium, we wanted to reflect the senses that it triggers.

What is the project concept and idea involved in the collaborative work with Codements?

We are fascinated by the vitality of flowers. Not only as a material but also as a living points of life. Flower/plants in a space carries a presence. I heard people started to adopt plant as pets. It seems like many started to relate to this especially after covid. We often forget they are living beings. With this in mind, we wanted the flowers to imagine, personify and embody the spirit and style of the people who are currently and also who might potentially wear the Codements products.

I noticed that the color contrast is eye-catching in your floral styling. 

We enjoy playing with fundamental elements of design. Contrast allows us to create a tension between each elements, color, shape, line and etc which accents individual unique beauty within the arrangement.

The color of some of these flowers are unusual. You mentioned sometimes you color them to achieve this look. How does the coloring process work? What other techniques do you use apart from coloring?

There are two methods of coloring. It is either applying a color directly on the flower or absorbing mixed color dye into the water and letting the flower absorb the color itself. I personally prefer the latter. It is amusing to watch colored water flow through the veins of the flower. I love that it reveals something we cannot see normally with our bare eyes.

If its for a photoshoot, I sometimes dissect the plants and reimagine and then reconstruct them into a new species. Also we combine cut flowers with potted plants. To juxtapose the cut ephemeral flower with the potted plant is stimulating not only because it visually creates a unique plant, but also conceptually brings together the two contrasting ways of how people view flora and fauna.

How do you define craftsmanship and what how do you achieve it in your work?

The devil is in the detail. We believe the key to craftsmanship is to be resilient and flexible. It is to be open and observant about what quality or message it actually carries and persistently try as many ways to best convey and refine to the T as possible.

How do you want the people to feel and think about the work of NUNKO? Do you have any message that you want to convey?

Our goal is not just to show pretty flowers. We have purposefully decided that we are a design service rather than a florist for that reason. 

We want to create an experience that stimulates sensorially and emotionally. We see the beauty in what makes us human. The fact that we humans sense, think and feel   is the subject that we are curious about and would like to explore and celebrate.